I was told my car needs work done on the fuel injector. The mechanic said that since it jerks sometimes when i press the gas, the fuel injector is having problems. Is this true?
The car is an 89 ford escort with 45k miles. New spark plugs, recent oil change, and recent trans fluid change. I don%26#039;t think there are any trans problems, as the jerking happens even when it doesnt shift.|||Rough idling; lack of smooth accelaration, poor fuel economy, hard starting, and visible leaks are all signs of fuel injector problems. A 1989 Escort I suspect has 145 k miles (I have a 1989 Mazda 323, vritually the same car with 200 k miles). I have never had a problem with the fuel injectors. Two things to try; add 2 quarts of Methyl alcohol (Methanol) to your gas tank and fill with 87 Octane gas). Second, add fuel injector cleaner to a full tank of gas (available from Napa, GI Joes, Prp Boys, etc). If you still have the jerking problem, it may be a faulty Oxygen Sensor (feels like an ignition miss when driving).|||it could be that your carburater is messed up... or it could be that you are having missfires... but yeah, i would get them replaced and see if that works. Hey, if it doesn%26#039;t work, think of this way, you won%26#039;t have to replace them later....|||yea its probably true. For one its an 89 and you know back then fuel isnt as clean as they are today. Theyre probably clogged. You should get some fuel injector cleaner at Kragen or Pep Boys for like 5 bucks to make sure. It wouldnt hurt