true or false? should i change my oil filter first? before i pour my fuel injector cleaner in my gas tank????
i ride a 2007 toyota tacoma with 20,000 miles
i know it sound dum but its what i heard.
thanks|||In my opinion, if anything, change the oil afterwards. This is probably going to be a discussion between some very anal car owners, more than anything that provides hard evidence, though.
The fuel injector cleaner won%26#039;t dislodge material that will cause the filter to become plugged or overloaded, but heavy detergents in certain injector cleaner could potentially cause additional contaminants to be introduced into the engine oil. On a very high level, contaminants are what make oil turn black over the course of the oil life. They originate from different moving parts, and as by-products of the combustion cycle. (If you have ever owned any equipment with a diesel engine, the engine oil can turn black within an hour, although it is still perfectly capable of lubricating.) Therefore, you might as well introduce any additional contaminants produced by the injector cleaner into old oil, then change it.
My favorite injector cleaner is Techron. I have used it in gas and diesel engines, and fuel injected outboards.|||It doesnt matter, they wont come into contact with each other. Personally I would change the oil first, but its up to you.