Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Fuel pump or injector problem?

Recently my truck was a little low on gas but it didnt run all the way low or so i thought, came home and later tried to crank it but it wouldnt crank, changed the fuel filter but that didnt help, it will turn over fine but wont crank, if you put a little gas in the carburator it will start for about 2 or 3 seconds until that runs out then die. any suggestions as to what it might be, and if it sounds like a fuel pump and suggestions on troubleshooting that other than just replacing it?Fuel pump or injector problem?Cpt,

If you have a carburetor then the vehicle doesn't have fuel injectors. Did you check for spark? If so, then the first, question to answer is in a fuel injected vehicle is the pump running when the engine is cranking? The pump should make a little noise. No noise would tell you the pump is not spinning, also check the inertia switch prior to doing anything else, if this is tripped, it will shut off the power to the pump, fuel system can vary in starting and running requirements from 30 psi and up.If it is a carbureted vehicle, remove the line at the carburetor and crank it over a couple of times with a someone holding a bottle at the line to catch the fuel, two times should get 1/2 a 16 ounce bottle to one bottle of fuel. if you don't have fuel coming out of the line at that time, then likely you have a bad fuel pump, if it's a fuel injected vehicle use caution, usually you can rent a tool from an oreilly's auto parts to check fuel pressure at the fuel rail , the instructions generally come with the tool, or one of the (more knowledgeable employees, you know, the one that seems to be answering all the questions for the other guys behind the counter and usually has grease all over his arms.) should know how to attach the pressure tester/gage. If you have good fuel pressure at the rail, you likely have other problems than an injector, this also depends on whether it has a tbi(throttle body injection) used on older models of fuel injection systems or port injection. I would check the above items first, usually it's not in the injectors, and if the vehicle was run low of fuel, especially in a gm car for quite some time, the pump will go bad as it uses the fuel for a heat sink to take the heat away from the pump.

-not to be used as legal advice-

Hopes this helps
Fuel pump or injector problem?
Connect a pressure gauge and read the fuel pressure. If there is none the pump is bad or there is an electrical problem. If the fuel pressure is up to spec, then it maybe the injector or the computer%26gt;