Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Not getting fuel to injectors on 1989 surburban?

have changed fuel filter and getting fuel through filterNot getting fuel to injectors on 1989 surburban?It sounds like your problem is at the TBI unit. Remove the air cleaner, and check the wiring going to the 2 injectors inside the air horn. Do a pull test on all the wires/plugs for a loose one.

Are the bottom of the injectors wet from fuel after JUST cranking the motor? If they are, then it probably is a spark problem. If they are still dry, you may not be getting electrical power/computer signal to the injectors. I'm not sure if there is a micro-screen at the incoming side of the TBI unit at the fuel inlet. Disconnect the fuel line toward the rear of the TBI unit and see if there is a screen at all... Could be clogged.

I still vote electrical. Good luck
Not getting fuel to injectors on 1989 surburban?
there has to be an ubstruction past the filter check you lines make sure there is no fuel leaking anywhere
Not getting fuel to injectors on 1989 surburban?
do you have enough pressure? A weak fuel pump can send fuelpast the filter but not all the way to the engine you need a lot of pressure to get it that far,
ok either there HAS TO BE A LEAK at thne fuel rail or the rail is clogged

it could also be that the fuel pressure regulator is send to a wrong setting sending all the fuel back to the tank

does it start does it start and then die MORE DETAILS PLEASE
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