Friday, 7 October 2011

My 93 f150 will start and run, but dies when i put it in gear and push on the gas. What should I do?

I have already changed the fuel filter. Is it possible that I have bad gas and just need to push it through? should I use a fuel injector cleaner?My 93 f150 will start and run, but dies when i put it in gear and push on the gas. What should I do?You ask what you should do, I would take it to a shop and have a professional look it over and determine the source of your problem.
My 93 f150 will start and run, but dies when i put it in gear and push on the gas. What should I do?
sounds like you need a new vehicle
My 93 f150 will start and run, but dies when i put it in gear and push on the gas. What should I do?
check fuel pressure and volume u can have good pressure and very little volume, and it wont run, low volume means the fuel isnt getting to the engine fast enough like when you press the gas
I'd hope I own your gas station......
is it fuel injection? have you unplugged any vacum lines on accident?