Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Should I Have the "Oil Place" clean my Fuel injectors? And Expensive Oil?

I have a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero with 86,000 Miles on it. I just got an oil change and I saw on an add it the Valvoline place that you should have you fuel injectors cleaned after so many miles. Should I have this done next time I go to get my Oil Changed. And is it worth the money to have the 70 dollar oil put in it?Should I Have the %26quot;Oil Place%26quot; clean my Fuel injectors? And Expensive Oil?No.No.No. I used to work for a place like that and although synthetic oil is more expensive, not that much more. As for the injector flush, unless you use no-name brand fuel or buy it from a guy at the corner with a bucket, you will be fine. These places make money from %26quot;up-selling%26quot; not from diagnostic training so if there is a problem, go to a trusted mechanic.
Should I Have the %26quot;Oil Place%26quot; clean my Fuel injectors? And Expensive Oil?
depends on the oil. a lot of the %26quot;expensive%26quot; oil has detergents in it that will actually gunk up your motor worse. best oil on the market hands down is mobil 1 and if they carry that it's worth the money. as for the fuel injectors, I wouldn't recommend it unless your car is running a pretty rough at idle which I doubt it is. If anything get a bottle of fuel system cleaner for f.i. cars and put it in the gas tank at every fill up. I'm pretty sure lucas oil makes fuel treatment products now, I'd recommend that or something similar
Should I Have the %26quot;Oil Place%26quot; clean my Fuel injectors? And Expensive Oil?
No way you can buy castoral oil for $15 for a gallon and a filter for that car is about $5 most of your charge is labor and i wouldnt have fuel injectors cleaned with that low of miles and all they do is spray carb and choke cleaner in your throttle body and charge you outragoues prices!
I wouldn't waste money for expensive oil on a car that old. Regular 15-20 dollar oil changes will be fine. I would consider a fuel injection service if you hadn't had it done within the last two years. There are two types, beware of one. One is a total joke, that is hooked up to your brake booster, and you run the car and its like an iv, that drips slowly into the system. The other is a 3m product which is great and you wont get that done for less than 120 bucks. This is where the fuel pump is disabled and the car runs off the cleaner, I'd go that route for 120 bucks.
No, don't have the oil place clean the injectors. What they use may or may not work and is too expensive. Most fuels today have cleaners in them that keep the injectors clean. A tank full of premium now and then will do more for injectors than the oil place cleaning will do.

As for the oil, using a synthetic oil is strictly up to you. If you use a synthetic, use a pure synthetic with extended life and a quality filter. Blends are a good oil but not extended life and will cost a fortune over time. The best synthetic I have found is Amsoil. With their filter, oil change is 15 to 25,000 miles and it improves fuel mileage. That's what I use. Oil changes are actually cheaper over a year.
the fuel injector cleaner can help, but you can accomplish the same thing by using valvolines fuel system cleaner that you buy at the local autozone for $8 instead of whatever they were charging you. it's actually the same stuff, but goes directly in your gas tank.

synthetics are good, but that price is outrageous, look elsewhere. synthetics CAN (but don't always) improve fuel economy and can extend engine life. in my experience with checking them against each other (dozens of changes, 7 cars, varied oils, exact records kept) there is definitely a hierarchy of synthetic oils.

mobile 1 is actually about #6 in the hierarchy after

castrol syntec,

valvoline synthetic


royal purple

(castrol edge) i put this one in parenthesis as i haven't tested it personally. thus far in independent testing it has offered the best protection on the market, however the 4 balls tests and similar tests done in labs do not exactly simulate what happens in your motor and so mean little more than rat testing in labs. once i've tried it i'll get back on that one.

castrol syntec also seems to have lost a little since castrol edge came out as though they wanted to show that edge was better and worth the higher price.

my experience, reflected in each car we tested was that both amsoil and royal purple reflected their racing history. both produced dramatic results in the first 1000 miles, off the chart (engine relative) fuel economy and power, but after 1000 miles what they offered dropped off quickly and eventaully (4-6k miles) dropped below even quality conventional oils. in a race car that's fine since you change the oil every few hundred miles anyway. one minivan reported 33 mpg hwy at 1000 miles only to have it drop to 22 by 2000 miles on the exact same road, same load similar weather.

valvoline used to rate more poorly, but recently upgraded their formula so i retested with good results.
If someone is charging you $70 for oil then find a new place to deal with. That is ridiculous. I use only Mobile One in my Corvette and it is now about $6 per quart x 5 = $30 for the oil. As far as the injector cleaner go to a good parts store and buy a can you can pour right in the gas tank. Maybe $3.
Waste of money on both items.