I have a 2000 4 runner the dealer wants $80 to clean the injectors. do i need realy go with the dealer or can i just buy some at the auto parts store and if so is ther a brand i should use and will i need to change my spark plugs after i clean the injectorsFuel injector cleaner ?Pat-
The injector cleaning process at the Dealership is really the best one to have done. This is a special solvent they will run through the injectors that removes the varnish build-up.
After they do this procedure you are going to notice engine power that will return.
I would also recommend that you have the spark plugs and wires changed at this point because thay have been on your vehicle probably since it was new. Good time to have them done.
Now a tip for the future. The discount gasolines do not carry the same quality as Shell, Chevron or Union 76. These fuels have a more extensive additive and cleaning package that is added to them to help keep the injectors clean.
Periodically its a very good idea to pick up one of the in-tank fuel injector cleaners and use these products. The one that I have had the best results with is Chevron's Techron. This can be purchased at Chevron or Kragen, Auto Zone, Pep Boys, Checker, Shucks, O'Rielly or any other parts house.
Toyota also has an in-tank injector cleaner available through their parts houses.
Only use these products ONCE per oil change cycle, (3000 miles or 90 days), as more frequest use can cause catalytic converter problems. So be sure to double check the manufacturer's recommendations on the back of the product label.
Its OK to run the discount fuels, but just be sure that you use these injector cleaners when you are using these fuels.
Other than that you should be good to go.
Good Luck!Fuel injector cleaner ?if thats all your mechanic was planning on doing, then yes...
if they were going to remove them, disassemble, and clean thoroughly, then no...Fuel injector cleaner ?Most injector cleaner that they use at a dealership use a compressed cleaner that goes through your injectors instead of the regular gas. This involves some disassembly and reassembly.
If this recommendation was because of some specific problem you are having, an over the counter add to gas cleaner probably will not do the trick. If, however, this is just a recommendation that they make at the 30,000 or 60,000 mi service, you can probably get by with just a can of additive.Initially I'd go with the a commercial injector cleaner that you can buy at an auto parts store. Get a good brand and use it as directed (i.e.- one can per so many gals of gas) and see if you feel a difference. You MAY notice a difference after you run one tank thru it (more pep or improved mileage). It's an inexpensive try before you go and shell out the big bucks.