Friday, 7 October 2011

What does mean on a cavalier '96 ETS Off and Check Engine ligth On together?

I changed a fuel injector, and then the ligths begining to On frecuently, I notice when this happen, the radiator fan is On and the engine is accelerated a little more than normalWhat does mean on a cavalier '96 ETS Off and Check Engine ligth On together?Sounds like the coolant temp sensor maybe acting up. Check that its plugged in right and that the wires are not cut pinched or grounding out.Or possible that the oring on the injector got cut when you installed it.Take some wd 40 and with the engine running spray it around the injectors. Notice the engine either speed up or die if so that's the injector seal leaking.Without seeing the car that about all I can suggest right now.Good luck hope I helped.

GM tech for 20 years
What does mean on a cavalier '96 ETS Off and Check Engine ligth On together?
have it taken to a shop or dealership and ask them to have it hooked to a computer and find out the main problem, dialysis....

They should be able to tell you the problem and then you can have it fixed....